What is the IPDC?
The International Panel on Deltas and Coastal areas (IPDC) aims at linking together policy makers, experts and practitioners in a unique partnership to accelerate climate adaptation action. The initiative
was soft-launched at the COP27 with Asian Development Bank, Bangladesh, Egypt and Green Climate Fund and input was collected from Caribbean islands during a Conference on Curaçao.
Deep-dive in the New York Water Week
This event will take place in the Water House of the New York Water Week. In a 2-hour session through two thematic panels, the challenges and solutions of IPDC focus areas – deltas, coasts and islands – will be discussed. The panels, Assesment of Climate Risk and Impact and Response (Integrated Planning and Solutions), will form the basis of moderated discussions.
Aim of the event
The overall objective of this event is to briefly introduce the IPDC and its ambition and role in accelerating climate adaptation actions, what IPDC will deliver and how parties contribute to it. By connecting and involving policy-makers, scientists and practitioners, the event aims to identify prioritized challenges and possible innovative approaches for accelerating climate adaptation strategies in deltas, coastal areas and islands
For this event, an invitation is required. If you are interested in participating, you can contact the IPDC secretariat through [email protected]