20 March 2023 9:30AM-5:30PM In Person 150 Convent Avenue, New York, New York NY 10031, US
Water and Heritage: Connecting Past, Present and Future Day# 1, Dialogue Among Water, Culture and Heritage Professionals
The side event called “Water and Heritage: Connecting Past, Present and Future” brings together a diverse and interdisciplinary group to discuss concepts, methodologies and case studies. We challenge governments, Indigenous peoples and local communities, community-based organizations, environmental and conservation groups, historical and cultural organizations, women’s and gender organizations, youth organizations...
Resilient Cities
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The side event called “Water and Heritage: Connecting Past, Present and Future” brings together a diverse and interdisciplinary group to discuss concepts, methodologies and case studies. We challenge governments, Indigenous peoples and local communities, community-based organizations, environmental and conservation groups, historical and cultural organizations, women’s and gender organizations, youth organizations and groups, and academic and research institutions to voice their knowledge and experience on past and present water management.

Our collective insight into functional, spatial, temporal, material and immaterial dimensions of water set the scene to develop new integrated perspectives on water and living heritage for the future. It provides diverse insights into new concepts, methodologies and international case studies to better understand historical context, governance and culture. And most importantly, it triggers the movement to understand and build on the past together to embed heritage into sustainable development firmly.

SESSION 1: Welcome and Introduction Water, Cultural Heritage Initiative – 9:30 – 10:00

  • Creating a Global Movement: connecting disciplines, and institutions, and practices

SESSION 2: Conceptual and Scientific Track  – 10:00 – 12:00

  • Round table 1 – Connecting Water and Heritage: Conceptual, methodological and case study-based perspectives to living history
  • Round table 2  The role of culture in sustainable water systems past, present and future
  • Concluding remarks and recommendations

SESSION 3: Valuing Water Related Heritage – 12:00 – 13:30

  • Introduction: ICOMOS mandate and activities on Water and and Heritage
  • Reflections by Young Professionals
  • Conclusions and Recommendations

Lunch – 13:30 – 14:30

SESSION 4: Dutch Compendium and Other Regional Initiatives – 14:30 – 16:00

  • Round table 1 Dutch Compendium
  • Reflections on  National and Regional initiatives
  • Reflections on Water Heritage Case Studies

SESSION 5: Towards a New Policy Statement – 16:30 – 16:55

  • Discussion: Connecting Past with Present and Future Materially, Conceptually and Spiritually

IN CLOSING: Chamber of Music Performance – 17:00 – 17:30