22 March 2023 6:30PM-7:45PM In Person
Actionable Water Reuse: Valuing Water for Sustainable Economic Development
The “Blue Deal” water governance strategy to tackle droughts: think big and act local. by Minister Zuhal Demir, Flemish Ministry for Justice and Enforcement, Environment, Energy and Tourism Part A: Recognizing the worth and the value of water to accelerate implementation of water reuse The secret of the successful reuse schemes, by...
Resilient Cities
  • Public

The “Blue Deal” water governance strategy to tackle droughts: think big and act local.
by Minister Zuhal Demir, Flemish Ministry for Justice and Enforcement, Environment, Energy and Tourism

Part A: Recognizing the worth and the value of water to accelerate implementation of water reuse

  • The secret of the successful reuse schemes, by Inge Genné from Water Reuse Europe and VITO WaterClimateHub
  • The drought challenge: How can we ensure economic sustainability for water reuse?, by David Smith from WE&B
  • Pricing mechanisms and business models to enhance the correct valuing of our natural resources, by Steven Broekx from VITO

Part B: Statements and dynamic discussion: From system thinking to systemic actions

  • Setting the scene and moderation, by Yves De Weerdt from VITO Nexus
  • Importance of system thinking and co-creation in building sustainable Water-Energy-Food pathways, by Edo Abraham from Amsterdam Institute For Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS)
  •  Youth and digital innovation as game changers, by Karen de Sousa Pesse from Salesforce
  • Flanders living lab: from reactive to pro-active drought measures, by Barbara Vael from Flemish Environment Agency


  • “Transition pathways to a Resilient Waterland,” by Minister Lydia Peeters, Flemish Ministry of Mobility and Public Works


  • Fluid Crew introduction: Water solutions with a Flemish twist, by Dirk Halet from VLAKWA
  • Economic leverage of international collaboration, by Ralph Moreau from Flanders Investment & Trade
  • Company testimonials on fluid collaboration, by Jacob Bossaer from BOSAQ, Tim Op ’t Eyndt from iFlux and Tom D’Haeyer from Antea Group Belgium

The networking reception will be accompanied by a selection of Belgian beers, powered by the Fluid Crew: no water, no beer!